In early March, I was in the wedding of my good friend Jenn and her (now!) husband Joe. Jenn and I work together at Dr. Goebel's office...well, when I actually work these days! ;) We've been through work stresses, pregnancies, and babies together--her son Brody is 10 days younger than Anthony! So, I was honored to be a special part of her wedding day! She held a traditional Jewish wedding ceremony and reception at the Embassy Suites in Frisco, TX. Our other dear friend Staci drove down from Oklohoma to be a part of the wedding too! I'm so glad she did! Staci's little boy Tyler is just 7 weeks older than Lucas!!! So, our boys, our husbands, and the two of us spent a lot of the weekend hanging out and catching up!!!

Me and Staci showing off our non-pregnant bodies in cute dresses!
Yay! No more maternity clothes!!! (well, for the most part!)

Mario and me at the rehearsal dinner

Sweet Lucas
(sorry this one is smaller...I stole it off Staci's blog because mine didn't turn out clear!)

(stole this one too!)
Staci's beautiful baby Tyler, and her handsome hubby Arrick

(yep, stole a third one--I think that's it!)
PSOP blonde girls!

The wedding party
A couple of Jenn's bridesmaids flew in from New York

Jenn's son Brody was ready to eat!!!

Beautiful bride-to-be Jenn, sunburned Joe (he had played golf earlier and forgot sunscreen), and sweet Brody

Jenn's "mad hatter" wedding cake!

Me and the Bride

Me and Staci sporting the bridesmaid dresses...
We have our hands on our hips because Staci says it makes our arms look skinnier!!!
(Yay! We finally got a couple of pictures together, Staci!)
I have to give Staci props for holding me up during the wedding ceremony--literally!
Go to her blog--Klugh Family--to get the whole story!

Me with the best husband in the world

And...the best mother-in-law in the world!
Nonna flew in from Chicago to help babysit during the "crazy wedding weekend"!!!

Loving on Lucas
Lucas is so big!! I want to see him and hold him!
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