Well, Anthony and I ventured off to Memphis on our own in early November. We flew one way on Southwest Airlines. Mario had to work during the week and had a friend's wedding he was a groomsman in over the weekend up in North Carolina, so we decided it was a good time for me and Anthony to visit my family, and he could pick us up on the way home. Of course, I was a little daunted by the task before me...navigating an airport while being about 8 months pregnant with an active toddler in tow. All in all, the trip went very smoothly. Anthony did excellent both in the airport and on the plane (we made sure we had lots of snacks!). We did use a "backpack" Anthony received from his MeMe. It came in very handy. It is a bear that straps on his back, and this bear has a loooooong tail that Mommy can hold onto. Anthony is very obedient, and I don't think he would have run off. However, while being pregnant and having my hands full of luggage at times, the bear backpack definitely provided some peace of mind!!! We also used the backpack during our trip to the zoo (see pics below). We went to the zoo the next morning after we arrived...It was Anthony's first time. Our little bear backpack came in handy once again, as Anthony had some freedom to roam around while remaining within reach!

My nephew James enjoyed watching the waterfalls too!

You can't really tell, but Anthony is sitting on a big rock watching the huge iguana through the glass

Oh, THERE'S the iguana!!!
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