Here's a quick rundown of some things we did last month...oh, wait!!! It's already November! My blog goal was to get all caught up before Halloween...maybe I'll push that back to Thanksgiving, since I didn't quite meet my deadline! I'm getting closer!!! :)
(See, all you mommies of girls out there--I can't do matching hairbows, but I can match some diapers!!!)
One day Anthony wanted to sit in his chair and watch the "big boys" play in the street. He sat here just watching for quite some time!!!
(grinning from ear to ear)
Anthony had to walk home holding my hand--he got booted out of the wagon!
He was such a trooper...I didn't realize the pumpkins were squishing his feet until I went to unload him from the wagon after this picture--he didn't complain once! Poor baby couldn't even move his legs out of the way!
(Haha! It looks like we're playing "where's waldo?" with Lucas!)
I'll give you a hint at what the present might be...
It's our new (to us) wooden playset that we got off craigslist! Mario worked REALLY hard in taking it down in our neighbor's yard, hauling it over, and setting it back up!!! Great job, honey!
And because Anthony will play on it for up to an hour at a time, it's an early Christmas present for Mommy too--the gift that keeps on giving!!!
Lucas loves it too--He really only goes in the bottom part of the fort (I keep calling it a "playhouse" because that's what I see when I look at it, but Mario keeps correcting me saying, "It's a fort"!) Sometimes I'll climb up with both boys and blow bubbles with them from up top!!! They LOVE it! And, of course, Anthony's favorite part is swinging in the swings!!! We do that LOTS! We're having tons of fun outdoors enjoying this cooler weather while we can!!!
Anthony flies down that thing so fast he sometimes faceplants!!! He just gets up, brushes himself off, laughs, and says, "wipeout!"
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