My sweet hubby celebrated his 31st birthday in May. We had already kind-of celebrated with his "official" gift--a Jars of Clay fun! It was at White's Chapel United Methodist Church in Southlake, TX.
before the show

it's starting, it's starting!

they played some new ones, but they definitely threw in some oldies but goodies...we had fun singing along
Then some friends came over to celebrate on his "actual" birthday. Mario wanted to grill out chicken wings, so I gladly let him do all the work! We had corn on the cob, Italian salad, bread, and of course, chocolate peanut butter cake! Yum!

blowing out the candles...3 on top and 1 on the bottom

oh yeah...dig right in!

Yoon and Caleb
(Kristin was there, but she would not let me take her picture--haha!)

Matt and Hang

Mario's "home made" birthday gift--a gift certificate from me!
(The fine print says "must be scheduled on calendar--see Melanie for details")

the front of his other home made gift...

...we finally joined the 21st century and got dvr service! yay! no more commercials!
(yay for more listening to complaining during commercials!)
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