Okay, well, I've taken a month or so off, and I'm ready to get back into the blogosphere! About a week after Lucas was born, Mario's parents came in town to help us get adjusted. Here are some highlights of our time with them...(Thanks, Ma, for sending most of the pictures!)
sweet baby boy

"This is the good life--reading a book and getting my hair dryed by Nonna!"

"Mommy's fuzzy socks look like leg-warmers on me!"

Mario and his "mini-me"

death-defying stunts ;)

Proud Daddy with his boys

Nonno entertaining the kiddos...Where is everyone else???

Anthony and Nonna getting ready to go to the park


"Driving" Nonno's truck

Anthony loving on his Nonna

As always, good eats!!!

"Zoom Zoom!"


Anthony sharing his "water"
What a sweet big brother!

little ham

Could life get any better than this???
(maybe some sleep would be nice!)

horseplay with Daddy



the whole group

architectural designs with Nonno

future stud

Loving on my Nonno
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