We had a jam-packed super-fun time during the week before Easter! Here are a few of the things we did to build the anticipation of our holiday...
Anthony had a "flower cross chapel" at his preschool where they were instructed to bring one live flower.
We left earlier than usual before school so we could stop at the grocery store and let Anthony choose which flower he'd like to bring.
He chose this spiky purple gerbera daisy. He was so proud of his choice.
During chapel, all the kids got to stick their flowers into this cross. I love all the beautiful colors! All the living flowers represent the fact that our Jesus is alive! Neither the cross nor death has a hold on Him! What a special way to help the kids understand that truth!
Here are my two cuties in front of the flower cross!
While Anthony was at school doing his flower cross thing, Lucas and I met up with our friends at playgroup for an Easter egg hunt!
Lucas was quick to find lots of eggs!
"Here's another one, Mom!"
Lucas and Audrey checking out their spoils!
Let the candy-opening begin!!! :)
(love that face of anticipation!)
My friend Lacey helps her girls discover their treats!
Another day at home we dyed our Easter eggs
wait, wait, wait!
Waiting is so hard when you want your eggs to change colors!
(notice the rest of the spiky purple gerbera daisy bouquet in the background!)
And what Easter would be complete without pastel colored bath paints?
We do this every year, so I guess it's now an official tradition!
mini muffin tins make great paint palettes
the artist and his masterpiece
the artist #2 and his masterpiece #2
(and nevermind the fact that my grout will never be the same!!!)
Nonna sent down some Easter window clings for the boys...
these things got rearranged every day!
(by the way, it's now June, and I will pretend I don't still have two egg clings remaining on that window! haha!)
We decided to do the Easter egg hunt at First Baptist McKinney this year
(where Anthony goes to preschool)
This was the first one they've held, so we figured we'd go and show our support. Well, I guess the turnout was WAY above and beyond what they anticipated, because it was crazy crowded and muddy, the kids had a limit on how many eggs they could pick up, there wasn't enough food, the lines for the activities were really long, etc. I'm sure the kids didn't notice, but Mom and Dad were ready to head out!
But we did let the kids enjoy the bounce house slides before we left!
Anthony makes it down first!
This was right before Lucas took a head-over-heels tumble down the slide that literally took our breaths away in fear and made us die laughing all at the same time! We wish we had gotten a movie of it!!! As soon as he landed, we said, "Wow, Lucas, nice move!" And he brushed it off and said, "Yeah!"--all proud of himself--then he proceeded to race back up and slide down again!
What a fun week! Easter is one of our favorite holidays to celebrate!
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