

Friday, August 17, 2012

Happy 4th of July 2012!

On the 4th, we celebrated by going to the parade in downtown McKinney. The kids really were looking forward to it this year...Anthony even remembered the horses and the firetrucks from the parade last year.

Ok, let me pause by saying this post stinks because I have no pictures of the actual parade. I guess I was too busy socializing trying to capture the excited expressions on the faces of my children.  :)

Also, let me add that I had prepped my kids for the parade based on the previous years' parades.  We first took Anthony when he was a baby, and we always meet up with our friends the Williams...it has become a little tradition of ours.  Anyway, we told the boys that we would hear some music while the marching bands go by and that people would throw candy to them from the floats.  Ummm, let's just say I'm really glad they got to see horses and firetrucks, because all that other stuff we told them about just. didn't. happen.  :(  not really sure what was going on with the parade this year, but as you can see below, we made the best of it, and the boys had a grand ole' time.  someone even threw out  a couple of toothbrushes from the last float, so they didn't leave empty-handed!  :)

anthony is super excited...
most of the kiddos congregated in "mr. william's truck"
our good friend kit graciously drove it out here and parked EARLY in the morning so the kids could be in this FABULOUS spot in the shade

100% smiles

anthony waved at everything that went by
little lucas sporting his shades

his favorite spot was on top daddy's shoulders

our little fam

happy birthday, usa!