Tuesday, September 24, 2013


A couple of months ago, we had to have a discussion with the boys about not playing in the ashes under their Daddy's charcoal grill.  I guess when you're a boy, if it looks even remotely like dirt, it begs to be played in!  :)  Well, I was cleaning the kitchen and happened to look out the window just in time to see Lucas disobeying my instructions and digging in the ash.  I rushed out there and stopped him; then I proceeded to have him come in, wash his hands, and go to his room for a consequence.  While I was dealing with him, Anthony was outside drawing with chalk.  Upon our return, Anthony informed me that he had written Lucas a note to remind him of our rule...


is what he intended to write...
If you can't figure out what he actually wrote, I'm not going to explain it to you!  ;)

1 comment:

  1. Ok, this is hilarious! :) I laughed so hard!! And playing in the ashes...I could totally see them doing that too ;) Love those boys!
