

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Fun with Friends

Anthony got to spend some one-on-one time with two of his closest friends in February--Audrey and Michael. We are so blessed to have such wonderful friends--Anthony usually thanks God for them and prays for them after a fun playdate!

Audrey always gives the best hugs!

lots of giggles as they play with a balloon

they looked like they are tangled up here--such squirmers! but look at how much fun they're having!

Anthony and Michael enjoyed popsicles on a chilly day--what great smiles!

They were encouraging each other as they played this game of "Let's Go Fishin'". I would hear Michael say, "You can do it, Anthony." Then later, Anthony would say, "Great job, Michael!"

Fun in February

Here are some of our favorite pictures from February...

Lucas practicing on the potty like big brother

(yes, that's drool all over the front of his shirt--he's cutting some teeth, for sure!)

a day at home, playing with toys

Lucas loves his milk (or "mee-ulk" as he likes to call it)

one of Anthony's leggo masterpieces

creative fun--Anthony gives Lucas a ride in his shopping cart

shaggy boy--needs a haircut

playing "horsey" with Daddy

sweet smiles at bedtime

more of the shopping cart

at least it keeps them entertained for a bit so i can throw in a load of laundry or something! ::)

You Know You're the Mommy of a Toddler When...

...the toilet paper in your master bathroom looks like this!

Yes, Lucas sneaked in here and made this mess before I discovered him. Why does this always seem to happen right when you put a brand new roll on??? ;)

For Your Listening Pleasure

A couple of "music videos" for you! Can you tell the first is from January? Anthony still has "Joy to the World" on the brain!

I love how it's "and heaben and maeture sing"!

Please excuse the food particle hanging from Lucas' nose!

This is a song Anthony has learned in his Sunday School's "Junior Jam"--a time where they get to sing and dance. He's being a little silly here, but you get the gist of it. We aren't sure what he's singing except, "The mountains are His, The mountains are His" and a little later, "My God is BIG--and strong and mighty..." And of course the "FOR YOU" at the end. At least he sings with gusto!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Lucas' First Birthday Party!

Mid January my parents (Meme and Papa) came down for Lucas' first birthday party. Aunt Mandy and cousin James made the trip as well! We were so excited they could all join us for Lucas' special day! We had lots of fun! We decided on a giraffe theme for Lucas' party since he is very attached to his giraffe lovey that Aunt Mandy got him before he was even born. Here are some photos of our time together...

Lucas, Anthony, and James getting cleaned up before the party

the decorations

the cute giraffe cake!

i guess word got out that we were going with giraffes because lots of plush giraffes made their appearance at the party

we already had the table set up for the cake, so we decided to do a Chick-Fil-A picnic on the kitchen floor--the kids loved it!!!

James is practicing his smile ;)
Lucas got so excited when he saw the balloons!

As soon as the celebration was over, the balloons came down, and all three boys loved playing with them. The big boys loved running around the house pulling the balloons behind them!

Big brother Anthony joining in the fun!

He loved wearing the party hat!

Daddy, Mommy, and the birthday boy!!!

Aunt Mandy and James ready for some cake

Lucas' first time eating cake

"Hmmmm....what do I do with this?"

"It sure looks tasty"

"Oh, yes...it IS tasty!"

James enjoyed his cake too, but he didn't get quite as messy as Lucas!

Daddy and Anthony having fun

All the presents lined up in a row...

(please excuse all the little smudgy fingerprints on the fireplace...I have no idea how those got there!) ;)

Lucas digs into his first gift

He enjoyed sitting with me and reading the cards

bonus! some cash in this one!!!

the famous "Lucas look"

pinching Papa's nose or going for the glasses--I can't tell which!

Anthony gets some snuggles from Papa too

our sweet family, January 2011

After the party, Mario got out his guitar and played for everyone, and the kids danced.

then Anthony put on a concert for us!

Anthony showing James his guitar (just like Dada)

Lucas and Daddy playing guitar

Just a cute short video of Lucas after his party.

I love how he puts his hand to his head when Mario says, "You're one year old now!"...like he just can't believe it! Well, we can't either, little Lucas! Happy Birthday, sweet boy!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Happy Birthday Lucas!

For Lucas' actual birthday on January 17th, we went out to dinner and then took the boys to the pet store. Lucas LOVES animals, so we thought this would be a fun way for him to celebrate his special day.

look at that face--just so excited!

Mario and his boys checking out the fish

Lucas sees the guinea pig

Anthony loved watching this little mouse

I love both boys' faces in this picture--they were enthralled!

(I just look tired!) ;)

Happy Birthday, Lucas!

Next post--pictures of Lucas' birthday party and his special cake!

Lucas' 12 Month Pics

Wow! Just can't believe my sweet baby reached the one year mark so quickly!!! It seems like just a few months ago, I was desperately waiting for him to be born (almost 2 weeks late!). And here it is, his birthday...well, mid-January was his birthday...I'm still behind in all my blogging!

not quite sure of this picture-taking thing

"well, hello there, mr. tigger"


there's a smile--kindof

there's the "lucas look" that our family has come to know so well--

mouth wide open!!! so excited!!!

Lucas is still such a happy boy, all the time. He's generally laid back and go with the flow. He absolutely adores his big brother Anthony. He enjoys music and loves dancing with Anthony and Daddy. He has a fondness for animals, especially dogs, and he gets so excited when he sees one that he can barely sit still (or stay in my arms!). He spoke his first word at 12 months--"Amen"--said with lots of gusto at the end of our prayers at mealtime and bedtime. Since then, he's added the following words...

#2 mama

#3 ball

#4 uh-oh

#5 dada

#6 babbo (italian for dad)

#7 bye bye

#8 Meme (my mom)

#9 hi (spoken southern style with two syllables!)

#10 balloon (or "boon", said after his party!)

He also usually remembers to say "please" (while signing it) and "thank you"--so sweet!

Here are his 12 month stats...

weight: 17 pounds, 2 ounces (<5th percentile)

height: 28 3/4 inches (20th percentile)

Lucas took his first steps at 12 months and started walking more than crawling at 14 months. He almost runs now, in order to keep up with Anthony! :) He loves food, and usually eats more than Anthony at mealtime. He loves his milk and asks for it often. He sleeps about 12 hours at night with two 1 1/2 to 2-hour naps every day. He still loves sleeping with his giraffe, and we dropped his paci at 14 months. He has just recently gotten to the point where he will sit in my lap to read a book (before, he just could not sit still enough even to make it through a short baby board book!). He is so active and energetic! He loves playing outside, swinging, climbing up into the fort in the backyard, and sliding down holding my hands. He thinks it's really cool to brush his teeth, and he tries to run away when I tell him it's time to change his diaper! He can follow directions really well, and he loves to help his mommy put away toys and clothes. His smile can light up the room, and his dominant trait is his determination--the kid never gives up!

He is such a joy to our family! What an honor to raise such a sweet baby boy...he truly is a gift to us!